To strengthen the development and tangible outcomes for leaders, Eastview utilises in-depth and world-class diagnostic assessments that drill-down to provide analysis of critical capability areas.
Each area of development applies a number of diagnostic assessments incorporating Self + 360 degree feedback, providing a multi-perspective approach to analyse and evaluate the capabilities and actions of leaders
– providing greater depth and insights to assist their development.
Outcomes from analysis can include:
- Recognising core performance strengths
- Uncovering Barriers/Blockages/Gaps/Fears undermining ability
- Identifying latent Strengths/Skills/Abilities currently under-utilised
- Thinking/Attitude/Behaviour/Competency development
- Evaluation of Individual & Team Capabilities
- Formulation of Personalised and Practical Action Plans
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Areas of Analysis
Areas of analysis and Self + 360 degree diagnostic assessments include:
- Leadership Style
- Personal Motivators
- Emotional Intelligence
- Behaviour and Personality
- Leadership Competencies
- Thinking & Judgment
- Team Behaviours & Interaction
- Team Thinking & Judgment
Contact Us for more information
The Assessment Standards Institute (ASI)
The Assessment Standards Institute (ASI) provides a number of our diagnostic assessments with independent and verifiable objective testing and reporting for Construct Validity, Reliability, and Disparate Impact, which meet standards set by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
This battery of tests is voluntary, objective and verifiably transparent.